Holy Trinity Parish
St. Matthew Church, Plymouth, NH
Our Lady of Grace Chapel, Bristol, NH
The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Every person in our pews, every Catholic in our parish community… child or adult… is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.
The Holy Trinity Parish Family Faith Formation program, is for children as young as 3, (although younger children are welcome, too), those preparing to or have already received their Sacraments,with their families.
Classes meet twice per month in Plymouth from 8:15am to 9:45am in Pope Francis Hall, and in Bristol from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in the Marian Center. You can attend at either location based on your schedule, since the same program is being run at each campus! If you have any questions, please reach out to the Faith Formation Coordinator, Kristen Downing de Almeida, at 603-490-8555 or by emailing her at faithformation@holytrinityparishnh.org.
You can also join our Facebook group, Holy Trinity Parish Family Faith Formation.
Vacation Bible School!
Join us for Vacation Bible School this summer!
We are looking for volunteers to help out, and you can now register as well.
The fee is $50.00, and registration forms are available by emailing Kristen at faithformation@htpcatholic.church, or call the parish office at (603) 536 - 4700.