Holy Trinity Parish

St. Matthew Church, Plymouth, NH

Our Lady of Grace Chapel, Bristol, NH


      Welcome to Holy Trinity Parish!

Holy Trinity Parish is made up of St. Matthew Church in Plymouth,

and Our Lady of Grace Chapel in Bristol, NH.

We have two Knights of Columbus councils, one in both Bristol and Plymouth, that are very active in the parish and community.

We also have a Catholic Daughters of the Americas group, representing both parishes that all women are welcome to join. They are a dedicated group of women devoted to prayer, service and social events in the parish.

There is a Family Faith Formation program that is alive and active in the parish and meets at both locations. We also have opportunitites for Adult Faith Formation and the OCIA program is available for those seeking to be fully received into the Catholic faith.

Mission Statement

We, the believing community of Holy Trinity Parish, open to the Holy Spirit to reflect God’s love, are committed to Jesus Christ, and to His Church. We are strengthened by the grace of the Word and Sacraments. We recognize Christ’s presence in our midst, calling us to unity by living the Gospel. We commit ourselves to building a Catholic Christian Community through liturgy, Faith Formation, and service.

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